Indoor skydiving in Singapore: SingapoRediscovers special

Skydiving on your bucket list ? Getting cabin fever on our little island and want to try something new? With no tourists in Singapore, now is the best time for you to try indoor skydiving at iFly Sentosa, where there is a 16 feet (diameter) vertical wind tunnel, one of the largest in the world.

iFly Sentosa is located right at the Beach Station, and is currently one of the local attractions where you can use your SingapoRediscovers vouchers. Here are some first-timer FAQs and tips, from the point of view of an actual skydiver and tunnel (un)enthusiast- I have flown c.30 hours over 3 years, mostly at AirRider in Kuala Lumpur and iFly Sentosa.

iFly Sentosa building (nearest carpark: Beach carpark)

How to book your indoor skydive

– iFly Sentosa has their own website (click to see First-Timer packages) where you can choose your preferred number of skydives, date/timing and make payment. To book using SingapoRediscovers vouchers, there is a separate link (CLICK HERE and make sure the package name says “SRV” in it).
– At least 1 day advance booking is required to qualify for any promotional pricing (meaning you should book instead of walking in, obviously). I would also recommend booking at least two weeks ahead for peak periods such as school holidays and weekends/public holidays.
– Minimum age : 7 years.
– Maximum weight : 120kg (if below 180cm height).

BeyondBanality pro tip: If you are interested in indoor skydiving as a sport, or training to get a skydiving license, you should get pro-flyer packages instead. Skip straight to #10 below.

Skydive Algarve 2019: Taking our tunnel skills outside

iFly Sentosa – First timer FAQs

1) How long is each skydive / Which package to book?

For first timer packages at iFly sentosa, each skydive is 45 seconds. iFly Sentosa offers 1-skydive, 2-skydive and 6-skydive options for first timers. I would personally recommend the 6-skydive option as you only start to get the hang of it after a couple of tries, and the current promotional price of SGD150 is a massive discount to pre-COVID days.

However do set aside at least 1.5h for the entire experience, as you have to check in one hour before your time slot for registration, training, and equipment-fitting. Although each individual skydive is 45 seconds, the total flight session will take 15-30min, as you and others who have booked the same time slot will be taking turns to fly. Under current Phase 2 restrictions, there is a maximum of 6 flyers per session.

DID YOU KNOW? 45 seconds is the approximate freefall time you would get if you jumped out of an actual plane. Freefall time refers to the period after you exit the plane and before your parachute is deployed.

iFly Sentosa wind tunnel

2) Will I be able to fly on my own?

Yes and no. There will be a training session before your flight, where you will learn the correct body position to stabilise yourself in the air. During your skydive, your instructor will be inside the tunnel with you throughout, holding on to you (there are handles on the back of your jumpsuit to make it easy to hold).

The instructor will let go *ONLY IF* you appear to be stable enough to fly on your own, but it is unlikely that this will happen for more than a few seconds, especially if you only book 1 or 2 skydives (unless you are naturally athletic with good body control/awareness.)

BeyondBanality pro tip: Do some stretching beforehand- there will be muscles that you use in skydiving that you seldom use normally.

The instructor holds you securely until you can fly on your own

3) Will I be able to fly together with my family/friends?

You can book the same session, but you will be taking turns to fly (one by one with the instructor).

4) Please describe the feeling of being inside the wind tunnel

Like going NS Highway at 200kmh on a motorbike. Or standing in front of your Dyson fan but magnified 100x.

5) What equipment is provided/ What do I have to bring?

Equipment rental is included in your booking: 1) Jumpsuit (a range of sizes are available), 2) open-face helmet, and 3) flight goggles. Due to current COVID measures, you will also be provided with a face shield which should be worn while not flying. You should also bring/wear:

– Covered shoes that won’t fly off at 200kmh (no flip flops, obviously)
– Avoid wearing jewellery, or any small items that may fall/fly off. Glasses are fine, the goggles can go over your glasses.
– For those with long hair: Hairclip for your bangs and hair tie for long hair (unless you want to look like siao lang in your video
– For ladies: Avoid skirts or dresses since the jumpsuit is a trouser-based one that has to go OVER your street clothes.

6) Where do I leave my stuff?

There are lockers you can rent for SGD2, but you can also just leave your belongings around the benches at the equipment rental area which is restricted to staff and flyers only. You can still keep an eye on your bag from inside the wind tunnel as the walls are clear.

7) Can non-flyers watch me fly?

Yes, non-flyers can wait / watch you fly from the public area that is next to the flight area.

View of tunnel from public area

8) The iFly photo/videos are such a ripoff

You can always ask your non-flyer family/friends to help you take videos from the public area, but the angle will not be the best, compared to the iFly camera which is inside the tunnel. No cameras / phones / loose items are allowed inside the wind tunnel for safety reasons i.e. may fall through the net into the abyss, or fly up into the vents.

9) Does it feel like actual skydiving?

Only the freefall part. Actual skydiving would also involve a 10-15min flight in a propeller plane (usually), exiting the plane, a 2-3min canopy ride and the landing.

Defo no flying shoe episodes in tunnel flying (but then again..)

10) I want to fly like Kyra Poh, what should I do next?

If you are keen to progress in indoor skydiving, there are a number of different disciplines to pursue, akin to the different disciplines in other sports such as swimming or gymnastics. Have a read of the IBA website for detailed descriptions of each level/discipline. You’ll need a couple of hours of flight time in each level/discipline just to be functional. Just so you know, Kyra Poh (Singapore’s 18 year old indoor skydiving world champion!) has trained for thousands of HOURS, so it may be some time before you get there šŸ™‚ .

Next step- speak to the counter staff about buying a pro-flyer package, and arrange to get coaching from iFly staff instructors, or Skydive Singapore instructors.

BeyondBanality pro tip: Unlike other sports, indoor skydiving is not something you can “learn on your own” due to the combined danger of height and speed, so you must always be accompanied by a qualified instructor until you are signed off to fly on your own. The same applies at any wind tunnel worldwide.

The Upside Down

Rather skydive for real (when borders re-open)? See skydive FAQs and trip reports here:

2 responses to “Indoor skydiving in Singapore: SingapoRediscovers special

  1. Pingback: Learn to skydive (Part I): AFF trip report Jan2015 | Beyond Banality·

  2. Pingback: Where to skydive in Singapore and Asia | Beyond Banality·

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